We want to assure that you have the best experience possible. But we understand you might have some questions! Below we have common questions asked for purchasing, checking out, returning and more.
If you seemed to lose your pass or email verification, simply look it up here:
Search your orderAfter you checkout, we will send you a link to your items by email and text message. This link will take you to your online pass. Your online pass is a mobile friendly website that has everything you will need.
Go here to request a new link to your pass:
* All we need is the email address you used during checkout. A new link will immediately be sent by email
and text message.
All items expire after a certain amount of time if they are not used. Once they expire, they are eventually removed from your pass.
Clicking on the calendar icon in the mobile card will let you know when you can start using the card, or if it’s already activated. You can also see the date your card expires and is no longer available through this feature. Most of our passes are available to use either immediately upon ordering, upon first redemption, or at a designated date in the future.
There is both a digital and physical card option to purchase. If you require a physical card, please opt for this when buying your card.